Tuesday, July 28, 2009


With my oldest (she is now 8) I ended up having to have a c-section after 26 hours of labor and only progressing to 4cm. With my second (she is 13 months old now) I tried for a VBAC- and again 24 hours of labor- only i only had progressed to 2 cm and they could not break my water. So had to have a c-section. My first c-section wasn't *that* bad.. aside from the long recovery. However my last c-section was horrible. Epi didn't work- and obgyn i got stuck with (on call from another office mine works with) didnt believe i wasnt numb. Had to plead with her that i wasnt kidding- finally had to have a spinal. To this day I still have horrible back pains/stiff back from where I got the spinal- also wasn't told what to do afterwards and ended up with a headache for 6 days after delivery! I'm now 5 weeks pregnant- (it was 'unexpected') and I'm very scared of having to have another c-section. What can I do to ease my fears? I don't know what to do- I'm not all into medicine etc... so I

I'm very sorry to hear about you experience. Talk with your doctor and nurses and honestly, maybe you want to talk with a psy or counselor; I am a firm believer that childbirth should be a happy moment, free of fear. It should be a time to welcome a new life - your precious baby (conceived out of love) - and to celebrate. There are so many emotions that fear and worry shouldn't be among such happiness.
Reply:Since when does it matter what is convenient for the doctor? I believe it is YOU the baby is coming out of and IT has it's own schedule. If this is an issue for her, get another dr.

Did she tell you why your labor progressed so slowly? Why a cesarean was necessary due to the slowness? Why your water was not breaking? Did you have the epi before this? Many women have told me that w/epi it went slow and w/o it went fast. If there is no immediate danger to yourself or baby, perhaps the cramps are tolerable to huge needles and large incisions. Docs are afraid of VBACs simply because the risk for problems due to the scarring is slightly bigger and they are tired of frivolous lawsuits.

They seem to love the c-sections even when NOT necessary, as they are more money and SO much more convenient for them. USed to be unless the cord was around the neck, they were not done-they are more dangerous and unnatural. Now they want to do them just because the baby is big! (My gf's doc told her her baby was 8-1/2 lbs and there was no way he would come out normal--I told her go natural, your vagina will stretch, and he's only guessing--well, they cut the baby out and he was 7lbs 7 oz)

Anyway, bless you and congrats, good luck with everything.
Reply:I think you should just schedule a c-section, that way you can mentally prepare yourself for it and not have to deal with not knowing how your going to give birth..Good Luck :)
Reply:After two c-sections, your body might simply not be able to have a vaginal birth. This is something that you have plenty of time to discuss with your doctor, so that you all feel very comfortable going into the process. If you plan the c-section, it will be a considerably different process than when you had to change course mid-labor and opt for the cesarian. You'll not be in labor when they do all the anaesthetics, which allows you to lie much more still, and they can take their time with the epidural etc. I would plan a c-section and make sure you've cleared up all your fear with the new doctor. If they know you had an awful time, they'll try really hard to be the best doctor you ever had ... I promise!
Reply:when you have had a C-section you dont really want to try VBAC it is very dagerous. That is why they make you sign the release forms telling you if you or your baby die during the birth you cannot hold the doctor or hospital responsible for it. See when you have a csection you weaken the womb and adding the pressure of pushing you can rip it or rupture it. This can be deadly cause internal bleeding. The best thing that I would consider is making that appointment and yes I know that the spinal is uncomfortable but its better to be uncomfortable and alive. I wish you the best. I have had 4 kids 1st natural 2nd one c-section 3rd vbac and the last c-section
Reply:i know your scared and don't want to go through it again, but i would just have another c-section. I know its scarey, well mine was. ( emergency c-section ) i had no clue about it. But in the long run for you, it sounds like it would be better. good luck, sorry for all the pain.
Reply:Wow... so sorry to hear that happened. But there really isnt anything you can do to ease your fears on this one! But if it were me I would definitely change doctors so that you have "less" chance of it happening again! I too w/ my first was in labor for about 10 hours and only progressed to 5cm. I'm 31 wks now w/ my second and my dr said I can try pushing if I want, but I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me.

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