Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Basic C++ problem.?

Hi. I m just a begainer in c++. I m learning c++ by studying " c++ how to program" by Deitel %26amp; Deitel. I m using visual c++ 6.0. In the book there is a function " end1" under the library file %26lt;iostream%26gt;.

but I cnt use this " end1" in visual c++. when ever i use it it says, "end1 unidentified operation or end1 doesnt belong to %26lt;iostream%26gt; ."Is there a solution so that i can use end1 properly?

plz help me. your help will be much appreciated . thank you.

Basic C++ problem.?
sorry to remind u of ur mistake. infact whatever u r showing as 'end1' is 'endl', which means 'end line'; which can be used to substitue "C language '\n' " for ending the line.

it is not a function, but it is a macro.
Reply:Well I think its because you are using "1" it should be end l, a lower case L, in books it looks like a one. Hope I helped.
Reply:it is endl

well its 'L' in lowercase sometimes in some fonts it looks like "1" "one"

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