Friday, July 31, 2009

What's wrong with my vb C program???

#include "stdAfx.h"

#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;string.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;ctype.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;conio.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;windows.h%26gt;

int create();

void inputData();

void createFile();

int addRec();

void DisplayTrans();

int update();

void addFile();

void deleteRec();

void printfRecord();

int isFound(char *target,int cnt);

void deleteRec(char *target,int cnt);

void displayTitle();

void search(char[],int*,int*);

void displayRec();

void updateRec(int);

void searchUpdate();

void searchNdisplay();



char transNum[5];

char studID[11];

char dateBorrowed[11];


FILE *trHeaderFile;

int main (void)


int choice;

trHeaderFile = fopen("TRHEADER.DAT","r");

if((trHeaderFile = fopen("TRHEADER.DAT","r"))==NULL)

trHeaderFile = fopen("TRHEADER.DAT","w+");

printf("File could not be opened!");




case 1: create();


case 2: DisplayTrans();


case 3: addRec();


case 4: deleteRec();





int create()


char response;

trHeaderFile = fopen("TRHEADER.DAT","rb");

if(trHeaderFile != NULL)

printf("FILE ALREADY EXISTS...\n");




printf("Hit 'Y' to OVERWRITE, otherwise hit 'N'?\t");


}while(toupper(response) != 'Y'%26amp;%26amp;toupper(response) != 'N');

if(toupper(response) == 'Y')










return 0;


void createFile()


char response;

trHeaderFile = fopen("TRHEADER.DAT", "wb");




fwrite(%26amp;trHeaderRec, sizeof(trHeaderRec), 1, trHeaderFile);



printf("Hit 'Y' to ADD MORE, hit 'N' to save and exit....\t");


scanf("%c", %26amp;response);

}while(toupper(response) != 'Y' %26amp;%26amp; toupper(response) != 'N');

}while(toupper(response) == 'Y');


void inputData()



printf("4-character Transaction Number: ");

scanf("%s", trHeaderRec.transNum);

printf("10-character Student I.D.: ");

scanf("%s", trHeaderRec.studID);

printf("10-character Date Borrowed[mm/dd/yyyy]: ");

scanf("%s", trHeaderRec.dateBorrowed);



void DisplayTrans()




if((trHeaderFile= fopen("TRHEADER.dat","r"))==NULL)


printf("The file does not exist.");






printf("File is empty");



printf("\t\t\t ***Transaction Report***\n");

printf("\n%5s%s%8s%s%4s%s", "", "TransNum", "", "studID", "", "dateBorrowed", "");




printf("\n%7s%s%12s%s%8s%s", " ", trHeaderRec.transNum, "", trHeaderRec.studID, "", trHeaderRec.dateBorrowed, "");






int addRec()


char reply;











{ addFile();




{ addFile();



return 0;


void addFile()


char reply;








printf("Add more[Y/N]?:");






//void deleteRec()




// {

// printf("The file does not exist!\n");

// printf("Press any key to end!!");

// fflush(stdin);

// getch();

// }

// else




// {

// printf("The file is empty");

// fflush(stdin);

// getch();

// }

// else

// searchNdisplay();

// }

// fclose(headerFile);

// return 0;


void searchNdisplay()


char target[11],ans,ANS;


int cnt=0,found=0;













printf("Input studentID:");








printf("Do you want to delete this record?(y/n): ");







printf("\nThe record has been deleted\n");




printf("Do you want to search another record?(y/n): ");







printf("Record is not in the list!");


int cnt=0,found=0;














int isFound(char *target,int cnt)


int found;

for(int a=0;a%26lt;cnt;a++)







fread(%26amp;trHeaderRec, sizeof(trHeaderRec),1,trHeaderFile);


return found;


void printfRecord()


printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\n",t... trHeaderRec.dateBorrowed);


void deleteRec(char *target,int cnt)


int num=0;

for(int a=0;a%26lt;cnt;a++)




for(int b=cnt;b%26gt;=num;b++)










// update

int update()





printf("The file does no exist\n\n press any key to continue\n");







printf("file is empty...\n\n");




return 0;


void searchUpdate()


char answer,target[5];

int found,size,len;




printf("record to be update\n");

printf("transaction code");







printf("the record does not exist");





printf("update this record [Y/N]?");





while(answer!='Y'%26amp;%26amp; answer!='N');





printf("update this record [Y/N]?");





while(answer!='Y'%26amp;%26amp; answer!='N');





void displayTitle()





printf("\trecords of books borrowed");


void search(char tar[],int*fnd,int*sz)


int cnt=0;

















void displayRec(){

printf("transaction number: %s\n",trHeaderRec.transNum);

printf("studID: %s\n",trHeaderRec.studID);

printf("dateBorrowed: %s\n",trHeaderRec.dateBorrowed);


void updateRec(int size)


char reply;

int choice;




printf("which field you want to update?\n");




switch (choice)


case 1:

printf("transaction #\n");



case 2:




case 3:




default:printf("unexpected choice of field\n");



printf("do you want to update another?/n");











What's wrong with my vb C program???
I guess you didn't read the other post... Y!Answers isn't a good place to post code because it truncates lines. And, a program that large posted here isn't an easy thing to spot the problem.

What happens when you compile it?

flower girl dresses

C-section problems?

I had a c-setion for my delivery..Never made it to the Pushing or Nothing like that.. i ended up getting admited to the hospital cuz they said i had high blood pressure and they diagnosed me with preaclamsia...(have no idea how to spell it) which after the doctor vist i had they could never find high blood pressure after the next day my doctor broke my water and i was in labor for 15 hrs....with in that 15hrs i never dialated at all..they had me on potossin and just kept highering the dose... never they woke me up cuz i had a local and told me that i had to have a epideral a hafe hour later i was in the c-section room..they never told me how much the baby weight..ect...didnt get to c her until i was total done and back in the room. after all that i ended up having to stay in the hospital for and extra week cuz i ended up getting a infection..Infection from what i have no idea....My question is...Is it common and what were your experinces with a c-section.....

C-section problems?
The infection could have been from the stitches, staples, or glue what ever the used on you. My friend did it naturally but got an infection from the stitching when she tore down below. I didn't get to see my baby until I was done because I was knocked out for my c-section. They probably kept you longer because of the infection and since you were rushed back there, was because you didn't see you baby.
Reply:When I had my first c-section, my water broke but my contractions never started. Pictosin when they put me on it, brought the baby's heart rate down. After 24 hours of this, they did my c-section. I went home 3 days later. I did not have any problems with infection. In fact, I had an easier time with healing and getting around than my sister in law did and she had hers naturally. I did not get to see my daughter until I finally flipped out and said I would go find her if they didn't bring her to me. The nurses are so busy, usually the one that yells loudest, gets the attention. Talk to your doctor and find out where the infection came from. Also, question the pictosin. Normally, it will have some effect. You just had a bad experience.
Reply:The induction problems are probably very common, but the whole mess they put you through for the c section...not that Ive heard. And the infection is uncommon.
Reply:Wow sounds like an ordeal.

I had a section with our daughter. Very routine.

Minimal pain. Healed quickly.
Reply:Sounds almost like what I went through. Labour started at 2 am and we got to the hospital at 3 am. 4 hours later they said I was only 1 cm dilated and that it was braxton. I freaked because if the contractions were any stronger I was going to die. They also told me I was having back labour because every contraction was followed by back spasms. They wanted to send me home. By this time my Doctor's office was open so we went there. She realized my uterus was tipped and that I was 3 cm dilated, no plug and that the back pain was not labour but real spasms triggered by the labour so she sent me back to the hospital. Also she informed me that the contractions I had been having for the last 4 days at 20 minutes apart weren't BH and I should have called her. Turns out I wasn't feeling every contraction.

At around 11 am she came in and broke my waters and started me on the pitocin, however the more they gave me the slower my contractions came so that ended about an hour later. At 2 they attempted to give me an epidural, took 5 tries before they got one that sort of worked, it was some relief at least and I got some sleep. At 5:30 the doctor came back, I was still at 3 and now the babies heart beat was dropping too far with each contraction so off to the operating room we went. Babies heart rate must have really dropped right before we went in because I vaguely remember an extreme sense of urgency and the fact that no curtain went up, my glasses and socks were left on and hubby just got pushed out the door, not sent to the waiting room.

Turns out one of the reasons why I had such a difficult labour and hadn't felt the contractions like I should have is that baby was standing up inside of me with one foot on each hip joint and his head buried behind my rib cage. That's what had pulled my uterus out of it's normal position and why the muscle contractions weren't felt by me. Since he wouldn't or couldn't turn or pull his legs together to be breech, plus me never getting past 3 cm dilated, natural childbirth would have probably killed both of us a century ago.

For the actual c-section, the spinal block didn't reach low enough and when she went to cut me I could feel the pain of her slicing me. I went night night after that and woke up about an hour later and spent another hour in the recovery room. The nurses there were nice enough to call and get me some information about the baby and reassure me that he was fine. The birth trauma though caused him to have an APGAR score of 5 at first but it was up to 10 by 10 minutes. I didn't get to hold my son until I was moved to the L%26amp;D ward and then 3 hours later they took him to the nursery because they couldn't leave him with me as I was still groggy from the meds and they needed to make sure he didn't choke on the mucus in his lungs. They did bring him back a couple times to feed but they had problems waking me up so finally they stopped and gave him formula. Not what I wanted but better than him starving.

Then he needed more milk than what I could produce as well as being tongue tied so he didn't latch well. We wound up supplementing with formula because I never want to hear that kind of cry coming from my son ever again!

I didn't get an infection but my staples didn't hold very well. I popped 4 of them before leaving the hospital 3 days later and went home held together with steri-strips. When the doctor went to take my staples out 8 days later I had just started to close from the inside out instead of top down like you are supposed to. I was put on almost bed rest for the next two weeks to let it heal. That sucked!

I also had an epidural headache for 6 days. The only way I felt better was to get up and move around but I was supposed to be laying down resting. It was a catch 22 situation that didn't help me to heal. Then life also threw a curve ball and just as the headache went away, my father in law passed away. We knew he was ill and had been hanging on just to see the baby but you are still never ready to lose someone. Bed rest went out the window again as hubby was gone arranging funeral and tying up the last details so I was alone with the baby again.

What did I learn? Ask for help! Accept it when offered! Since I will likely have to do a c-section for the next delivery as well (turns out I have damage to pelvic and spine I was unaware of due to a motorcycle accident many years ago) I will be better prepared. I will have someone to spend a week or so with me and then get in a teenager as a mother's helper during the day for the next few weeks. Hopefully hubby won't be working steady nights anymore either. I slept on the couch for the first 4 weeks because I could roll off of it easier than I could the bed.

Even though a lot of my first experiences sucked, I have a beautiful 6 week old baby boy and I am feeling human again. The incision has almost healed, the baby is healthy and hubby managed to work his schedule to get 7 days off in a row so things are getting much easier. Although if I hear Braham's lullaby too many more times I will not be held responsible for the mobile you may see flying past your window (and I'm in Canada LOL).
Reply:With my first child, I had a C-section. I had high blood pressure and the doctor admitted to the hospital after my dr.'s appt. I was in the hospital for 10 hrs before they induced labor. I was in labor for 15 hrs and never felt the urge to push. finally, at 2 am, the dr said that I had to have a C-section because my baby was in trouble. I was awake for the surgery. They showed me my baby and then I was whisked away to recovery for over 1 hr. I saw my child again later, and I had to ask to see her. I had to stay in the hospital for 4 days because I was still having some medical problems. So, I understand what you went through. But thank goodness you're alright.
Reply:well, it sounds like you had a bad experience. If you were not dialating then they did right. But they didn't inform you very well of what was going on and was not very nice as for you were having your first baby. So, you can't chance anything now but when you go to have another one if you do, make sure they know what happened the first time and you want that to never happen again. good luck and wish you the best

C++ for Linux, Mac and Windows?

Im currently using Bloodshed Dev-C++ to do C++ Computer programming but it only seems to do Windows projects so is it possible in Dev-C++ to do app's for linux or mac?

If so how?

Also is the C++ code the same for linux as it is for windows?

C++ for Linux, Mac and Windows?
%26gt; "Im currently using Bloodshed Dev-C++ to do C++ Computer programming but it only seems to do Windows projects"

Dev-C++ is an IDE. The compiler it uses is MinGW. MinGW is a windows port of gcc. gcc is a compiler that runs on Linux, among other systems. MinGW targets windows only.

%26gt; "so is it possible in Dev-C++ to do app's for linux or mac?"

The topic you want to look at is cross compiling. No, this is not a one paragraph topic. Please Google and read. Good luck on not getting intimidated.

%26gt; "Also is the C++ code the same for linux as it is for windows?"

Sort of. C++ itself is a portable language, so if you stick to standard C++ and the standard library, you're fine. However, that only happens for trivial programs. Most likely, you will start relying on OS specific capabilities, in which case your code isn't just going to run from one machine to other. You'll have to port it.
Reply:Not sure if you can use dev-C++ for linux or mac projects, but the code is the same, its just different compilers picking up different errors etc. I think if you do it on linux it should work on Mac, windows is the only odd OS out there
Reply:As long your code uses ANSI C++, you don't need to worry about portability; however, this is tricky even when using ANSI C++! For instance the function "system" under the c header file stdlib parses an OS shell command to execute through C++; when typing system("cls"); under windows it will clear the dos screen, but "cls" doesn't exist in Linux; instead, "clear" will clear the terminal screen under Linux! C++ doesn't care and it parses the string parameter passed to the system function; syntax-wise, it accepts any string inside it, but when it comes to execution, you won't get the result you expected because there are certain OS considerations.

Any way, Borland released two years ago "Borland C++ BuilderX" which is a cross-plattform C++ Compiler; you chose the target Operating system for your project and the compiler will generate a compatible code for that target OS; it's a wounderful release, but after the release Borland Studio 2006 it has been removed! Perhaps now in the new release "CodeGear" this support is back; I'm not sure, so check it out, but i'm quite sure you'll find what you want under "Borland C++ BuilderX" though it's not easy to find for download.
Reply:Try here for info
Reply:If you want to develop linux applications you must install Linux and compile the application again. Same for Mac's. and any other operating system. A compiler is specific to an operating system. Java managed to do this though but Java isn't a compiler. It's an interpreter, meaning it translates the code to a virtual machine which needs to be installed on that operating system, and through this virtual machine the program will run.
Reply:It will be the same as long as you stick to ISO-compliant C++, not platform-dependent extensions of the language.

Find Angle C?

A plane flies from city A to city B, a distance of 150 miles and then turns through an angle 40 degrees and heads toward city C, a distance of 169 miles. Through what angle C should the pilot turn at city C (which is angle C) to return to city A?

NOTE: The distance from city A to city C = 300 miles.

Find Angle C?
The plane's movement forms a triangle ABC. AB = 150, BC = 169, AC = 300 as given.

You know the angle %26lt;ABC is 140 degrees (as the plane turned 40 degrees from a straight angle to go to C). Therefore, it's simple use of the Sine Rule to find the angle %26lt;BCA.

Sin140/300 = SinX/150

SinX = (Sin140)/2...

I don't have a calculator, but 360-X should give you the angle you need, according to my diagram. (The angle X is the acute angle %26lt;BCA but realistically the plane would have to turn through the larger angle.)

Can't turn A/C on (or off)!!?

Nothing like having A/C problems in the dead of summer. I have a Samsung AW1480A air conditioner. It's 5 years old and has worked great up until yesterday. Although the A/C came with a remote - I never use it...i only use the control panel on the A/C. The A/C wouldn't turn on! I plugged something else into the outlet to check that the outlet was working fine (it was)...I plugged the A/C back in - and it beeped. I pressed the power button a few times %26amp; finally it did turn on. This morning when I went to shut it off before going to work, the power button wouldn't respond. I couldn't shut it off! I finally shut it off by just unplugging it (probably not good for the A/C, I know). When I got home from work today, I plugged it back in - heard the beep - but I couldn't get it going. I did find that the only 2 buttons that work are the Timer button %26amp; the button that makes the thermostat go up - so - I can get the A/C to turn on %26amp; off by using the Timer button....

Can't turn A/C on (or off)!!?
Sounds like the control board/touchpad is faulty. Having someone replace could be very expensive. Doing it yourself can still be expensive. Life expectancy for an in wall or in window A/C unit is 8-10 years. You would be better off purchasing a Fedders or GE unit. If you choose not to replace the unit with a new one, who is to say that the compressor wont give next, and those are more expensive than the control board in many cases. Anyways good luck in what you do. If you decide to purchase new, Home Depot or lowes are a nice choice, but I would steer closer to a home appliance store personallyl.
Reply:Five years old? I believe it is checking out. If not immediately, then soon. Look for sales because August, as you know, is a killer. The way things are manufactured today five years is pretty good. I have a GE that's 3 years old and showing signs of age.
Reply:Its a bad computer/controll pad. You should be able to change it yourself if you can find the part.....Companies are suppose to keep parts around for ten years, doesnt mean they always do though.

Its more than likely either a bad button or two, fried conections somewhere on the board, or a bad relay. All of which would require a new computer/controll pad board. Good luck in finding the part.

flower garden

MLB Fantasy: C Crawford for T Hunter? I need Steals. I'm 2nd in HR, 1st in RBI's and 5th in runs.?

I'm trying to get rid of 3 Twins...cause when they get shut out so does my team...

T Hunter's last month's stats: (Career Year, on a good Offience)


23/87 15 6 14 0 .264

C Crawford last month's stats: (Ok year, on a shitty Offience)


24/87 15 0 5 12 .276

Should I ask for more? A pitcher: SP or RP?

Starting Lineup:

Mauer, C

Morneau, 1B

Cano, 2B

C Guillen, 3B

Hunter, OF

D Young, OF

C Hart, OF

C Duncan, Util


F Sanchez

N Markasis

The guy I'm trading with has also has Figgins, any thoughts?

His best pitcher according to ERA is Gil Meche or Jered Weaver.

His RP: Putz, Reyes, Weathers, Saito

MLB Fantasy: C Crawford for T Hunter? I need Steals. I'm 2nd in HR, 1st in RBI's and 5th in runs.?
Don't do that trade...Crawford is out right now and i would before doing that trade make sure he is healthy before i do anything. Also its Offense. Next I would try to get figgins along with that trade.

Like i said before, don't do anything until Crawford is actually playing again. If he goes on the DL in the middle of that accepted trade, it could be a huge loss for you. I would rather have a guy playing than need to pick up a free agent for a good player on the DL.


Good Luck!!
Reply:yeah thats a great deal esp if you have other power hitters anyway
Reply:wow if ur gettign crawford for hunter, do it....crawford has the ability to carry your fantasy team when hes hot....u seem to have a weak OF, so if u can get him to throw in another OF, thatd be an added bonus, but if not do the trade

The Best C++ IDE and A free 2D game source code?

To hit two birds with one stone, Im quite new to C++ i've tried poking around code and I've got a book about C++ that I haven't read much of yet, but I currently use Bloodshed Dev-C++, I was wondering which is the best free IDE for C++ (not Micosoft Visual C++) and if theres any where to get free source code for a simple game like pong even!

The Best C++ IDE and A free 2D game source code?
bloodshed is good yes.

what about using linux...?!?! gcc and also get

allegro games / gfx library.. thats multi format =)

a lot of them games were made using c++ and some using allegro.. it will take time to learn..

the most important thing would be the game engine itself.. the rest isn't as important.

a few game makers have released their source code, so might be helpful to take a look..

free lunch design is one that released some source code amongst others.
Reply:Bloodshed Dev-C++ is the best IDE I know of, and a good site with some examples would be:
Reply:Sorry, but for precisely 0 Notes of expenditure, Microsoft Visual C++ Express is the best (no) money can buy.
Reply:I'm a fan of Codegear products (ex. borland).. Turbo C++.

For source code of game, look in the x2ftp (
Reply:Here's an old favourite of mine - grew up on Borland and there is always Borland Turbo C++. This is a good platform to start learning on. Then one can move onto Borland C++ Builder. MS Visual Studio C++ is ok but does not have all the resources that I would like.
Reply:I prefer Code::Blocks for a free IDE on Windows. Take a look at (wxDev-C++ ) as well, since it gets actively developed. Dev-C++ was okay when I was a beginner, but it soon became unusable for me.

C program &theres a menu,a-POWER,b-factorial,c-exi... and other if other character will print error use switch?





create a program that displays the menu shown above. if the user presses 'a' or 'A', then clear the screen, then ask the user to enter the base number..after which, ask the user to enter the power.then display the answer which is the base number raised to the power.after ans. displayed ,wait for a press then return to menu shown above. if user,presses 'b',the ask the user to enter the number,then display the ans. of the factorial of the no. after the answer has been displayed, wait for a key press and then return to main menu. if the user presses 'c' or 'C', the display "good bye" message then terminate the program. if the user presses a key other than the 3 letters, then display an error message that it has an invalid input.


*use switch statement for the menu selection.

*make 2 user-defined functions, 1 for solving for the power and the other for the factorial.

C program %26amp;theres a menu,a-POWER,b-factorial,c-exi... and other if other character will print error use switch?
first code it yourself

then post the code if it does not work

Vet? Vitamin C dose for 21 year old cat?

My cat is 21 years old, has renal failure and hyperthyroid. Medication puts her off her food, so she is not taking anything for these conditions.

She has just developed a sneeze that is probably a minor respiratory infection or cold like thing (she is indoors-Never goes outside). I just started giving her 1/4 of a 500mg. chewable tablet vitamin C 2X a day.

Is this enough? Too much? In the past, I had a holistic vet tell me vit. C was good to treat cold like symptroms. I would prefer not to give her antibiotics as she stops eating with any meds or throws it up (but I will if the vit. C doesn't help.)She tolerates the vitamin C for some reason.

She is eating well, and does not seem like she feels bad.

She has no visible nasal discharge.

I am looking for answers about the vitamin C only.


Vet? Vitamin C dose for 21 year old cat?

I am not a Vet, but I am a Vet Tech at a feline only practice.

Please do not give your cat Vitamin C. Generally asissting your cat fighting off an infection with Vit. C would be fine. It would have to be giving 5 to 6 times daily because it is rapidly excreted through urine BUT

In your case, since you cat is geriatric with renal failure Vitamin C supplementation will change the acidity of her urine and make that condition considerably worse.

Its actually more important your cat is eating well, that will help her immune system fight off the minor respiratory infection and will help her keep weight on (which is difficult for a hyperthyroid cat).

Cats synthesize Vitamin C through glucose, so they get what they need from a normal premium cat food diet. If your vet has her on a prescription diet for renal failure, it may be bland and she may not seem interested in it... try adding a bit of poultry fat or clam juice to the food... you cab also try warming it a bit.

Hope this helps. No Vitamin C, okay?

Hi again, just saw your new update... I am glad to hear she is eating well, but I still have to say no Vitamin C though. Even a healthy cat would excrete Vitamin C quickly in urine so it would have to be given 5 to 6 times daily... its way to much acid for her failing kidneys and with the added complication of the hyperthyroid increasing her metabolism it really could make the renal failure and her overall condition worse.

If she doesn't have a nasal discharge and her upper respiratory symptoms are minor I would just allow her immune system to fight it off naturally. If you haven't done so make sure to remove respiratory irritants from her environment (no carpet fresh, or room products with heavy fragrances... plain unscented non clumping clay litter - nothing with baking soda)

If it gets worse your vet may be able to give her a 5 day short course of Baytril or Clavomox along with a very low dose of Valium (diazepam) -- it increases appetite in many cats.
Reply:I have no holistic veterinary background, but from what I have learned cats do not need vitamin C supplements. Guinea pigs and primates need to supplement their diets with vitamin C. Cats metabolize vitamin C through their liver.

Not to knock down your holistic beliefs, but I think it would be best to take it to a veterinarian who specializes in Western Medicine. Congratulations on your cat living for so long, but if it is suffering, you may want to put it down, but it is up to you.
Reply:Something to keep in mind about the antibiotic. It will only help if she has a BACTERIAL infection. The vitiman C might help with either bacterial or viral but an unnecessary antibiotic might do more harm than good.

Good luck with her treatment. 21 years! She must be quite a cat!
Reply:21 years old? How about a dose of a "put me outta my misery"?
Reply:Wow thats great that she has lived so long! I'm not sure but is it made just for cats?
Reply:I think I would take the advice of the vet tech who said "no" to the vitC..but I have a question for you...How on earth did you get your cat to live that long? Please give us some tips!

Your cat needs the hyperthyroid meds. In no way should that interfere with your cat's appetite at all.

As far as antibiotics, clavamox has been nown to make some cats naucious and lose their appetite. Don't know if that was what you were giving. There are other options that are easier on a cat like baytrill or ampicillin

Have you tried alternate groups like or to find aslternative foods that you can give? There are many that are much better then the stuff the vet sells and maybe a change will help the appetite. Best of luck
Reply:First, keep in mind that vitamin C is very acidic, and your kidney kitty is already pretty acidic. It may make her sick in the tummy and worsen her disease if you overdo acidity -- is she taking something for nausea? There are some very good products using colostrum that are good for the immune system. I would also use CQ10 and acidopholis on a kidney kitty. Acidopholis twice a day (human grade refrigerated) can help your kitty unload toxins, and help the immune system.

\PS, holistic medicine is what allowed my kitty to live so long with kidney disease, but I also had great allopathic specialists, so don't knock either one. they both have their place. But there are a lot of fakes in the holistic arena out there so be careful also.

edible flowers

.tmp files - C:\Windows\system32 and C:\Windows\system32\DLA and C:\Windows\Temp?




The .tmp files contained in the above mentioned folders, can I delete those without having any issues?


.tmp files - C:\Windows\system32 and C:\Windows\system32\DLA and C:\Windows\Temp?
use ccleaner it is free will delete temporary files for you and save you searching for them and deleteing the wrong things.
Reply:If a file has the format, Some Name.TMP you can delete it no matter where it is. If the system still needs the file, it will not delete it. Example:

Go to C:\WINDOWS, look for the folder TEMP.

Try to delete all the files in that folder. While you can delete the majority of them, two or three files the system will not let you delete.

I do not think it is a good idea to delete files from any folder unless the file ends in .TMP!

Go to C:\documents and settings\your folder profile name, Delete all files in both the Cookies and RECENT folders.

Go to Local Settings folder, delete all files in the TEMP and Temp Internet folders. Delete all week day letter icons in the History Folder.

I'm learning C++ on my own, but finding a hard time understanding some of the definitions?

I've bought a few books on the matters of C++:

Beginning C++ Game Programming (Michael Dawson, Thompson Course Technology), C++ How To Program 4th Edition (Deitel), and C++ Without Fear (Brian Overland, Prentice Hall)

C++ Without Fear has been one of the greater books, but all three have a way of describing something, like Objects and how they work, but then tell you that you shouldn't worry about it until later on because that's out of the beginning scope. But then, I find that before I even get to the part where Objects are discussed, I'm having to include them into the source code and I still don't have an understanding. And if I skip ahead to the chapter to just read up on objects I feel left behind because then there are so many other new implementations that I become confused and it, in turn, has be shifting back and forth through pages and I get frustrated.

I desperately want to learn C++, but I'm coming to my wits end. Any advice is helpful.

I'm learning C++ on my own, but finding a hard time understanding some of the definitions?
I have a copy of C : How To Program 2nd Edit. by Deitel and Deitel ... it's a very thorough book covering all the necessities of learning to program in C without regard to a specific platform.

I recommend starting with this book and working your way through gradually ... take the time to work out solutions to the problems they present after each chapter. When you finally have a sufficient grasp of C, then you'll be prepared to learn about C++ and object-oriented concepts ... as you won't be fumbling about unsure of the more primitive details of C.

As for learning C++ ... I wouldn't waste money on those over-priced books you've purchased. The best source of information on C++ programming I've ever seen is my tattered, old Turbo C++ 3.0 For Windows Programmer's Guide. The section on classes and objects and C++ specifics is less than 50 pages ... and yet it's more thorough and easier to understand than any of those other books. And, despite being very old ... it's still very much up-to-date for the most part.
Reply:I think really understanding Object-Oriented Programming is your...and most peoples, biggest hurdle. I suggest what most people learnign to rpogram do...starting off with a simpler syntaxed langauge that kindof eases into OOP. Like Java or VB. Both of which are free for students.
Reply:you are silly go learn a good language like fortran or colbolt
Reply:Yes as others have said, C++ (and the C-Family) are VERY difficult to learn. My advice:

-Try to think of OOP as bycicles.

-Try using the OOP Components of PHP (great lang.)

-Try creating simple apps in Java (a OOP-obsessed lang.)

Good Luck!
Reply:C++ can be a frustrating language to learn. There is a lot of up front learning for pointers and header includes and the like. I would personally recommend learning a language where you can get going faster like C#, but many CS people would disagree with me.

I would recommend walking though some "hello, world" type tutorials and then working my way up to the more advanced ones. That will usually help you learn it faster than just reading the book.
Reply:if u do delete system 32 that will give yuo help btw yuo fail quit life GG UNINSTALL

For what value of c in the equation x^2 + c does the orbit of zero land on a cycle of period 4?

this is discreet dynamics. I do know what values of c make the orbit of zero tend to a cycle of period 4, but i can't figure out when it is part of a 4-cycle.

i need to solve this equation for c so that x=0 is a solution

((((x^2 + c)^2 +c)^2 + c)^2 + c) - x = 0

I don't really know how to solve polynomials of degree 8

I'm kind of confused here. any help would help...

For what value of c in the equation x^2 + c does the orbit of zero land on a cycle of period 4?
If x must be 0,

(((c^2 + c)^2 + c)^2 + c)^2 + c = 0

Rather than expand this and then attempt to factor or iterate a solution, iterate as it stands.

The only non-zero solution appears to be

c = - 1.985424253
Reply:Sorry, that's way above me. Good luck.

C++ class error, it does not make sense to me at all!?

The code is below... When I convert to letter then number the binary is right. When I convert the number then letter the binary messes up. Help me.

class menu



void convert (int input);

int getValue (int input);


int a[8],k=1,i ;

void menu::convert(int input)


int d = input;

i = 0;

while (d!=0)


a[i]=d % 2;




cout %26lt;%26lt; "The binary code of the given number is :";


cout %26lt;%26lt; a[i] ;

cout %26lt;%26lt; endl;


int menu::getValue(int i)


char ans;

int ans2;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "What letter/number?\n%26gt;%26gt;";

if (i == 2){

cin %26gt;%26gt; ans;

ans2 = int (ans);}


cin %26gt;%26gt; ans2;}

return ans2;


int main()


for (;;)


menu user ;

int c =0, d =0;

cin %26gt;%26gt; c;

if (c %26lt;= 2)

{ d = user.getValue(c);

user.convert(d); }





return 0;


C++ class error, it does not make sense to me at all!?
Your convert() function has few bugs.

covent garden

C HD is slave to E HD If I rmv C wil E stil work.How do I fnd which Drv holds OS I wnt 2 use C drv 4 other use

Will the E drv default to C and relabel all files and folders C

What are my options

C HD is slave to E HD If I rmv C wil E stil work.How do I fnd which Drv holds OS I wnt 2 use C drv 4 other use
Yes, if C is the Slave drive, then it is not the drive that contains the OS. If E is set as the Master drive, then it is the one that contains the OS and will work perfectly fine without the C drive installed.

Files and folders don't have drive designation attached the them based on the hard drive designation. They will just reflect whatever drive they are sitting on as a path. Make sense? If you want the E drive to be called the C drive, just change your drive designation letter in the Disk Manager in windows.

Hope that helps.

C++ computer programming question 1.please help!?

Write a functiion with double* argument a and int argument length which returns the minimum element in the memory block a.

The following sample task may help:

sample task 1

write a function with a const char* arguments, an int argument length and a character argument c,which which returns the number of characters c in s

int count(const char* s, int length, char c)


int i, cnt;

for(i=0, cnt=0; i%26lt; length; ++i)

if(*(s + 1) == c)


return cnt;


C++ computer programming question 1.please help!?
//we're assuming length is the number of doubles

//in the memory block, not the number of bytes in

//the memory block. If it's bytes, divide length by

//the sizeof(double)

//which is probably 4

double FindMinimum(double* a, int length)


double dLowest = DBL_MAX; //start it at a really big number if DBL_MAX is undefined for you

for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex %26lt; length; iIndex++)


if(a[iIndex] %26lt; dLowest)


dLowest = a[iIndex];



return dLowest;


email cards

Making v/c subject in doppler relativistic equation?

The equation for dopple relativistic motion is

1+z=(1+vcosx/c)/((1-c/v)^0.5) for motion where angle x is 0, after some algebra this becomes 1 + z = [ (1+v/c) / (1-v/c) ]^0.5

my quesiton is how do i make v/c the subject of the equation

thakns everyone.

Making v/c subject in doppler relativistic equation?
If by "subject of the equation" you mean solve for v/c, then set β = v/c, we get:

1 + z = √(1+β)/(1-β)

(1+z)² = (1+β)/(1-β)

(1+z)² (1-β) = (1+β)

(1+z)² - (1+z)²Î² = 1+β

(1+z)² - 1 = 1+β + (1+z)²Î²

2z + z² = 1+2β + 2βz + βz²

β = (z² + 2z -1) / (z² + 2z + 2)

C programming?

i need to know how to write a C programme that outputs its C code into the standard output.

basically, when i run the programme the output should be the c code itself. how can i do it?

(im using compilers Turbo C and GCC-Vim)

C programming?
Before or after every line just have a printf or cout statement ouput a copy of the line.

For example:


Reply:system("type whateveryounamedit.c")

The a/c on my Grand Prix isn't working...?

I have a 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix. When I try to turn on my a/c it will only come on sometimes. It comes on more often on the blower setting 5 than any other. If it's night time and the a/c is set to on but not functioning, my lights (which are automatic) won't come on until I turn the a/c off. Also, the rear window defroster button on the same panel as the a/c won't work if the a/c is switched on but not functioning. A mechanic already replaced my blower motor and resistor and it didn't fix anything. He wants to replace my ignition switch now, but it just doesn't make sense to me that it works sometimes and other times it doesn't. Any suggestions?

The a/c on my Grand Prix isn't working...?
sounds like a wiring harness has gone bad to me, either that, or you have a ground problem. You will need to pull the A/C control panel and start looking for wiring problems, melted. or pinched. Good Luck
Reply:Your problem is your ignition switch! That was very common in those cars as your controls for the A/C heater and such was ran thru that switch. They always went bad. Your mechanic is right on that but I would challenge them on the cost since they did not fix this the first time as a simple voltage test and proper diagnostics would have told them the ignition switch is bad.

Hope this helps!

Owner of 97 Grandprix

C- Section?

i just went to the doctors yesterday, and she said that the baby is breech, like, its not upside down the ways shes supposed to be. so i might have to get a C-section. i am 36, almost 37 weeks pregnant. and my mom told me that if i have to get a c section, then to tell my doctor that i want to get one scheduald. cause i guess that if you get one when your in labor, its worse or something cause of the contractions. can someone help me on some facts about c sections? has anyone had one? im scared to have a c section rather than vaginal. thanks

C- Section?
my aunt had c-section a week go she said that it was better than vaginal delivery and less painful and there is no problrm in the labour also
Reply:I had two c-secs and the recovery was hell. Yes it hurts like hell to push a baby out of your vajaja im sure but having your body cut in half through layers of fat and muscle is NOTHING easy to recover from. A c-section is DEFINITLY not a walk in the park! Report It

Reply:My now 5 month old was breech and I scheduled a c-section for him but he decided he didn't want to wait. I went into labor the day after I scheduled! I was having contractions but they give you a spinal (which numbs you from about your chest down) so you don't feel a thing when they perform the c-section. I have a 2 year old whom I had a vaginal delivery (medicated) and I definitely prefer the c-section!!

Good luck :)
Reply:Why C-sections are performed.

1. Doctors and hospitals can charge alot more for the procedure than a regular vaginal birth.

2. It is much easier getting the baby out, with less complications, using a c-section than trying to fit a baby through a vagina. (especially one thats not coming out head first) Therefore less lawsuits.

3. After a c-section, if you want to have more children in the future, you will probably have to have c-sections again. Something call VBAC(vaginal birth after cesarian) for some reason causes alot of lawsuits. So doctors shy away from that like the plague. (aren't you glad that decisions are based on lawsuits and profits are considered before your best interests?:)

Some good news:

1. you baby may move to the right position by itself by the time you are scheduled for the c-sections

2. c-sections are less painful.

3. no vaginal lacerations (tears). ( your husband will like that:)

4. scars from c-sections are usually smaller than people think

5. a good doctor can get a baby out in under 60 seconds from incision to baby. you can be in labor for hours.

Relax. Worry more about how you are going to raise your baby up right.

p.s. mable.syrup suggest you turn the baby which is not a bad idea but ask your ob gyn to do it because they will do it with a sonogram to see the exact position of the baby whereas a chiropractor usually doesn't have them, so they are pretty much doing by feel. I am sure you can do some things so well you can do it blindfolded, but why take a chance, especially with your kid.

Plus ob/gyns usually carry more insurance than your chiropracter in case something goes wrong.:) gotta love the law!
Reply:I had a scheduled C-section. My baby was Franks Breach (sitting up w/ her feet in her mouth). It was scheduled for the morning but my baby had other things in mind. She decided to come the night before. Once I got to the hospital and the "proved" that I really was in labor (my water broke and they had to test it to verify), I was strapped up to the monitors and put into a gown. I was just starting contractions. Then I received a epi in my spine to numb my lower half - doesn't hurt if you curl over and they put the needle in while you are bent that way. I actually had to walk to the emergency room because the ran out of beds! As soon as I was there they tested my legs to make sure that they were numb - it feels as if you are paralyzed. Then the put a sheet up to block my view. After some tugging and pain free yanking on my body, the baby was out. I saw her and then they took her to clean her up. Honestly it was so fast I didn't really understand what was going on. They sutured me up and sent me to the recovery room for a little over an hour. Once I left recovery and I went into my room they came w/ the baby for me to feed.

If the c-section is not scheduled they may and try to turn the baby - OUCH!!!!! My total delivery time from when I went into the hospital was 25min.

And, Google "external cephalic version." Noting, of course, that pain relief looks like a wise option for that.

I'd wonder about a doctor too quick to jump at a c-section.

"Many times the ultrasound determines a breech much too early and the babe just naturally turns when it's time. By 38 weeks, 97% of babies turn head down by themselves. In Silent Knife by Cohen %26amp; Estner, they say that three quarters of the babies turn in 2-3 weeks. In A Good Birth, A Safe Birth by Korte %26amp; Scaer, they say that in a 1977 study, 89% of 744 babies in breech position were turned to headfirst with the slant board exercise (outlined below)..."

"Some chiropractors use the "Webster turning technique," which is 80 percent successful."

"Most babies are born headfirst, but at the end of pregnancy, around 3% to 4% are found to be breech. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation is much more common - about 20% of babies at 28 weeks are breech, and 15% at 32 weeks. Before term, which is defined as 37 weeks, it doesn't matter if the baby is breech, as there is always a good chance that she will turn spontaneously..."

"There is no doubt that caesarean section is a safe operation, but it is not without problems, and this is why many doctors and midwives still feel that there is still a place for normal breech births - particularly if you have had a vaginal delivery before."
Reply:I had to have a c-section. I was induced and I didnt feel the contractions for a long time and the nurse was surprised. Then I started feeling them they gave me medicine, well I wanted more when it wore off but it was too soon and the contractions were getting worse and the babys heart rate would go down everytime. So they had me hooked up to all kinds of things then they said that I would have to have a c-section because my bones were too small and the baby couldnt fit through. I didnt want to have one, but after I got the epidural I didnt feel nothing and afterwards wasnt too bad, its just kinda hard to walk around afterwards but thats about it. Good luck and congratulations
Reply:I had a c-section with my second child! You get a spinal tap that numbs you from the tummy do not feel a thing! It is painless from a vaginal but the healing time is longer! You will need at least 2 weeks to heal from a c-section! The cut from the c-section will be hidden by your underwear! And, the nurses will help you move around in the hospital...You will have to stay in the hospital 2-3 days verses a vaginal birth which is a 1 day stay!

If your doctor is thinking about a c-section than they usually schedule you for one...usually 1-2 weeks before your due date! I hope this worry...everything will be okay!!! Trust me!!
Reply:I have had 2 c-sections. One during labor (I labored for over 24 hours) and one scheduled.

It is so much better to have a scheduled section. Why go through labor if you don't have to. If you schedule your section, they will most likely schedule it 1-2 weeks before your due date.

I was scared before my first section but everything went very smoothly. I was thrilled when they scheduled my second. Of course with every surgery there are risks. If you do schedule a section, try to get the very first appointment of the day. This way you aren't sitting around for hours just waiting.

Good luck to you and happy birthing!
Reply:My son was breech and they knew from the time i was 33 weeks but i was not scheduled because i ended up having my son at 35 weeks. Yes i had to lay in pain for about 2 hours before i had a c-section. I was flown to another hospital because i was early, had pre-eclampsia so they sent me to a better university hospital.

I knew from the time i was 5 months on that my son was turned the wrong wasy by the way he would kick and where i felt the kicks at.

Since they know you cannot have it vaginally then they shouldn't make you lay right on and on. I had to lay like that because they had to call that other hospital then i was flown out.

I would rather have a c-section over a vaginal one (even though i have never). Yes it hurts like hell to have a c-section but it will stop hurting after about 2 weeks.

You will bleed for 6 weeks afterwards. The pain is so bad to where they will put a catheder in you because you will not be able to get up and pee the first day when you have a c-section. When you cough you will have to hold a pillow against your stomach.

Make sure you take all the pain meds they offer. They had me on a morphine pain pump but i asked them to take me off of it cause it made me feels weird then they starting giving me 2 percocet 5mg's every 4 hours and sent me home on 60 7.5mg lortabs. My son was healthy and went home the same day as i did. We stayed in the hospital for 3 days. I was put asleep by my own request during my c-section cause i did not want to be awake knowing i was being cut opened.

Good luck
Reply:c-sections are very safe, you should try not to worry so much. It's not going to help. You still have a couple weeks, the baby might move into the correct position. If you feel more comfortable scheduling a csection, ask your doctor about it. I work at a hospital and many of the csections performed there are scheduled.

Good luck, you and baby will be fine.
Reply:There are still things you can do to get that baby to flip! Did your doctor even discuss that with you?

You need to start doing breech tilt exercises. (One of the links below will explain this.)

While doing the breech tilts, you can put heat on your pelvis (like a warm rice sock) and cold on your fundus (top of uterus).

Try doing a shoulder stand. Shoulder stands seem to be what encouraged my breech baby to turn around 38 weeks. I felt a HUGE movement when I came down from one and that was when she turned.

Find a chiropractor near you who does the Webster Technique. This is highly successful and MUCH gentler than the external cephalic version a doctor would do to try to turn the baby.

Talk to your doctor about the possibility of a external cephalic version (ECV). Be sure to be very well hydrated when they try it.

Read up on moxtibustion and consider trying it.

Play music between your legs of have hubby lay in your lap and talk baby "down to the exit."

Visualize your baby in the right position and talk to her. Tell her what position she needs to be in.

Shine a light between your legs.

You still have time to turn this baby! They can turn right up until labor starts. Personally, I would NOT schedual a c/s but would wait for labor to come, giving baby more time to turn. And then, if baby is still breech , find out if your doc has any experience delivering a breech. Is baby's breech position favorable for trying a breech birth? If you HAVE to resort to a c/s, at least you would know baby is REALLY ready to be born if labor had come on it's own.

Good luck to you!!!!!
Reply:go get an adjustment by a chiropractor. They have a rate of like 97% for getting breech babies to turn normal once your spine and pelvis are in alignment. Avoid the c-section!

cheap flowers

Microsoft Visual C++ vs Borland Turbo C++ ????

I use Borland Delphi and now i want to move to C++, but i'm confuse which tools i should use, Borland Turbo C++ (which i'm familiar with their vcl) or Microsoft Visual C++ .

which one is most used by visual c++ programmer ?

any suggestion ?

Microsoft Visual C++ vs Borland Turbo C++ ????
That question is like asking what is the best browser Internet Explorer or FireFox, or like asking what the best search engine is Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc. It is all a matter of preference, or what you are used to using.

Some people use Borland, some people use Microsoft. I, myself use Microsoft Visual C++. The reason is because I started off using Borland, but everybody at the company was using Microsoft, so I switched. I went to an interview recently and they were using both tools, the company had merged 2 different groups into 1. So, you might want to check out which industry is using which tool, then go from there. I don't know that much about Borland to comment about their program, but Microsoft has a domineering effect in the industry, IMO.
Reply:If you want to work professionally, it's Microsoft.

If you work for fun or just to quickly learn something, use whatever you prefer.

C++; reversing c-string...?

if we have only one parameter in a void function...and that parameter only accepts the name of array which contains a c-string....

in order to reverse a yahoo to oohay...(ignoring any possible whitespaces)....

in the function do we depend on finding the null character to find the size of that array and then assign the first element to the last element of a new array and last to the first one...and go on..?

if we don't have the size and c-string size can be any number...

how do we assign the first element (i.e. character) to the last element of a new array (without knowing the size).. thx!

C++; reversing c-string...?
Because of the nature of the C-string, you don't need to be explicitly told the length of the string - but that doesn't mean you can't find it. Every string in C is ended by the character '\0', so all you have to do is count characters until you hit '\0'. Once you have the length, you can start moving characters accordingly. (NOTE: the '\0' character doesn't count towards the length of the string)

Now, I don't want to just give away the code, because I can sense this is part of an assignment for school, but I hope that piece of information will get the ball rolling.
Reply:If you are allowed to use STL, you can also use the reverse function.

void rev(char c[]) {

string s(c);

reverse(s.begin(), s.end());

strcpy(c, s.c_str());


C++ code that checks if-else syntax of any c/c++ file???

i have to make a code that checks if-else syntax of a c/c++ file. Its taking a lot of time. Is it available somewhere? Or any kind of help is appreciated.

Thank you

C++ code that checks if-else syntax of any c/c++ file???
wud u plz clear ur question
Reply:get it for free

How to format C to reinstall xp?

xp installed on my system. I want to format C and reinstall xp. i have bootable disk and also bootable xp cd. if i choose first boot divice dc rom then it starts setup directly when i try to format c then it says that some system files are copied on drive which are necssary to compleate setup thats why C cannot be formated. If i boot from flopy then it starts and go to command prompt. There i am giving command format c: then computer answer me bad command. when i try to go c,d or e drive again bad command appears. I have 3 partations on my hard disk. I made bootable flopy by using xp utility and there are 14 fils on flopy. can any one tell me how to format this ******* c. I m trying since morning still not sucseeded.

How to format C to reinstall xp?
Easy use Killdisk wipe just the C partition. Then let Windows setup format it in NTFS and prceed with Install.see sources
Reply:run fdisk from command prompt, then delete all partitions and create a new one that takes up the entire drive space.

then you can format the drive

then you can reinstall
Reply:Insert the Windows XP disk, go through the installatation process, delete current partition, and format as FAT or NFTS, whichever u choose
Reply:You don't need to format, but re-partition. If you can't repartition (haven't backed up the files in the other 2 partitions), then you're pretty much pooched. The way XP installs is to partition, then format the partition. If you skip these steps, the install usually screws up and makes people angry. Blame the engineers. I've been thru the same scenario, and what i did was clear off the disk, re-make the partitions and start from beginning.
Reply:you have to run fdisk from command prompt, then delete all partitions and create a new one that takes up the entire drive space.

then you can format the drive

then you can reinstall

Hey! Don't get pissy with people who are trying to help you. If you don't like our answers take it to a qualified professional to fix the problem.
Reply:You can also start the install procedure. It will ask you during install where to install and you can delete/format partitions.
Reply:I have done this before, put the disk in, restart. let it run from cd. it will copy files to the computer. then it will ask you to press f 8 to agree, then it will ask you if you want to partion. at the bottom of the screen there should be 2 letters. one yes to delete, and the other one is to make the partion. type the letter for delete. the press enter, then it should format. I have done this about 5 may not be the way I said it

baseball cards

Why can't ax^2+bx+c=0 be rearranged into an equation to solve for a, b , c?

For a simple quadratic equation, let's say in standard for is simply

ax^2+bx+c=0. Why cannot this be rearranged to solve for a, b , or c

when you have 2 values such as "a" and "b", "a" and "c", or "b"

and "c".

Why doesn't the equation hold true when you are trying to rearrange

to solve for missing variables?!

x= -b+- sqrt b^2-4ac / 2a that is for solving x

Why doesn't it hold true if you do the following for other


To solve for b: b= -ax^2+c / x

To solve for a: bx+c / x^2

to solve for c: c= -ax^2-bx

Why can't ax^2+bx+c=0 be rearranged into an equation to solve for a, b , c?
for clarity of discussion, let's call "x" a variable, and "a", "b", "c" parameters. your question can be restated as:

given ax^2+bx+c=0 and any 2 parameters, plus the zeros, find the 3rd parameter.

let's examine the 3 cases.

but first recall that f(x)=ax^2+bx+c represents a parabola

(or for the degenerate cases, a line or a point). the parameters specify the characteristics of the curve (location, orientation, shape).

case 1: b,c,x known


we can subtract bx+c


in the general case, x could be zero and therefore we cannot divide,

{standby, i'll try to finish this later -- got called away}
Reply:a, b, and c are NOT variables in a quadratic equation. x and y are the ONLY variables. a, b, and c represent CONSTANTS. Until all three constants are known, you DON'T have a quadratic equation.
Reply:You can solve for a,b,c if you have three points of the equation.

Since y = ax^2 + bx + c, you could plug the x and y values into the equation, and get three seperate equations where you could use a matrix to solve for the values of a, b, c.

I don't know if that really answers your question mainly b/c I don't fully understand your question. :/
Reply:they are constants not variables and you could replace them with variables and solve for them but then you would be solving an equation with more than one variable and it would be much more complicated, most likely with multiple solutions

C++! Can anyone tell me the books that are sequential in learning C++ from basic to most advanced?

I want to learn a programming language, so I thought to go for C++.

As a CS major, I took introductory programming class where I learned making classes, and the concept of pointers.

But still, I would like to start from base and reach to the very roof of C++.

What are books that you C++ developers or learners would recommend me for this SEQUENTIAL ASCENT . I understand that it may take 3, 4 to 5 books.

Please provide me a good sequential list.

Thank you

C++! Can anyone tell me the books that are sequential in learning C++ from basic to most advanced?
First you should start with "Teach Yourself C++" by Robert Lafore. This is an excellent book which gives you top to bottom description for each feature of C++ language in easy language and with easiest and practical examples. Once you will complete this book you will be confident to do programming in C++.

Then you should start learning "The Complete Reference: C++" By Herbert Schildt. This is an advance book which describes all the feature in much depth.

I think "Teach Yourself C++" by Robert Lafore is enough to make you confident about C++ programming. You should use "The Complete Reference: C++" in future use while advance programming in C++.

Happy learning...
Reply:Prime C++ should be one of the must-read c++ books
Reply:I learned from "Starting out with C++" by Tony Gaddis, and I like the way he goes step to step, that 's why to learn Visual Basic I opt to by book written by him again. And this book is for starter .

Hope this help.

Schedule C or Schedule K1 on Individual 1040 tax return?

I have X amount of $ income from an LLC that I run with my wife, so, I file a 1065 for LLC and each one of us have get a Schedule K1 with X/2 amount as income.

Now on our personal tax 1040, I want to claim a Home Office deduction and that, as I understand has to entered on Schedule C of 1040. Now, where do I report my income from the business? Should it be on Schedule C as income or as a partnership income? If we go Schedule C rout, Schedule C only shows a net loss from the business bcause of deductions whereas, I am reporting my income from the Business on Line 17 of 1040.

Should I just do a Schedule C (with income reported on it) and not enter my Schedule K1 on line 17?

Any help with this is appreciated.

Schedule C or Schedule K1 on Individual 1040 tax return?
If the home office was for the partnership, the expense goes on the 1065 and flows to the K-1 there.

Regarding C-section?


I am 36 weeks of pregnant. This is my 2nd pregnancy. First time I had C-section. This time my doctor is pushing me for C-section saying that as I had C-section first time, it must be done this time also, the incision might rupture. But I am not interested at all to have C-section. I like to try normal delivery. I like to know is it must to go for C-section if you had it before.

Regarding C-section?
its not a must but its hard to find a doc who will do a VBAC. which is disappointing to me, i just had my baby almost 2 months ago and i had an emergncy c section. i was hoping for a vaginal birth in the future but i was told its not likely :(
Reply:You should have changed Doctors long ago because if he is already pushing rest assured you will get a C-section. Many women have normal vaginal deliveries after C-sections. Dr.s do not want to take time out of their lives/schedules to wait on a normal delivery. Yes, some are required but not most.
Reply:Make sure he gives you EXACT reasons on why he thinks you shoudl have a c-section again. If you are fairly young and healed quickly, there's no reason why you should be forced to have another section.

It's called a VBAC (vaginal birth after delivery) and many woman have done it. Let your doctor know that you want to try a VBAC and although there is a risk of rupturing the incision, you should be able to do it just fine.
Reply:I know someone who has had 4 kids, first two csection and the last two natural. And she said that it was better to go natural.
Reply:pls anser my ques and send that ques 2 whoever can help thank;...
Reply:I say try first, then if u can't then go for the c-section. I know women that had a c-section and then a Vaginal birth. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Reply:I needed a c-section after 16 hours of labor. The second time was an emergency c-section. My doctor and I discussed the options and a VBAC was allowed. I just didn't progress well the second time though and my daughter's heart beat was going nuts.

Anyway, you need to talk with your doc and find out why they're pushing for another c-section. From what I remember, some states will only do c-sections after one has already been done. I was fortunate enough to live in one where VBAC's are allowed.

Good luck and best wishes!!
Reply:I Had a c-section with my daughter because she was not coming out after 2 hours of pushing and then her vitals started to drop. When I got pregnant with my son, I wanted to have a VBAC and at the office I went to you had to see all the doctors there which were 6 or 7. I asked 3 of them what their opinion was for a VBAC and One doctor said that I can try there is a chance that I will need a c-section though after trying again, But there are women who have successful VBAC. Then another said that I wouldn't be able to push a baby bigger then 5lbs out. And then the last said since I was in labor and did the pushing and all that my chances of having a successful VBAC was less then 50% because my pelvic bone was too small. Needless to say I had another c-section.

I would definitely ask your docotor why he is pushing so hard for you to have a c-section. Find out the reasons why you had to have one the first time as well. Then if you are still not happy with his answer go and get a second opinion or a third.

Having a c-section the second time isn't so bad. You get to schedule it and have everything planned. If you are like me though and still want to go into labor then maybe you will go early like I did. My son came 2 days before my sceduled c-section and I was happy because I got to go into labor and feel like I actually had the baby. I Know I will get remarks from that but that is how I felt. I still feel that way so if I decide to have a third I will probably hope for the same thing. Instead of sitting in the hospital bed in labor for a while I ended up getting taken back to the OR for my c-section within an hour or so after I got there. So that part was nice. I was still up all night but since I knew what to expect I still got to relax before they brought my son to me.

Good Luck.
Reply:VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) can be done for some women. However, some factors may make a VBAC dangerous (incision type, reason for having c-section in the first place, how recently you had your previous child, etc.)

Your doctor's opinion on this is going to be much better than what you can find on here. In some cases, yes VBACs are possible. But not in all. If you question your doctor's choice, I'd seek a 2nd opinion with another doctor or have your current doctor better explain his/her reason.

When I had my c-section with my daughter, I asked while I was still cut open on the operating table if a VBAC would be an option for my next pregnancy. My doctor flat out told me that there was no way I could naturally have a child unless they were several months pre-mature, which we wouldn't want... my pelvic bones are too small and are angled incorrectly. So in my case, there's a good reason. There may be in your case as well.
Reply:no...when you have a vaginal delivery after a c-section it's called a vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean). there are more risks like your doc said, your old incision on your uterus might tear, but if you strongly want to you can try vaginally. he can't make you have a c-section until it's an emergency, but he is trying to do what's best for you and the baby. try this:

artificial flowers

What is the abbrevation for A.C.A.A.C.S ?

one man is working in Solvayvishnu barium private limited which is located in Banjara hills, his qualification is A.C.A.A.C.S. He is working as a general manager for that company. give me details of that A.C.A.A.C.S. and is it good job or not. i thaught that A.C.A.A.C.S is related with C.A. give me the details of this A.C.A.A.C.S

What is the abbrevation for A.C.A.A.C.S ?
It is a run on...I have seen it on other resumes.

It is both A.C.A %26amp; A.C.S


V.C.F. and Monistat-1 interactions? Could I be pregnant???

My hubby and I have been preventing pregnancy for a bit until we can establish ourselves more. We've been using condoms and V.C.F. since b.c. pills make me nasueas. I've had a yeast infection so, I used Monistat-1 and later that evening we had sex using V.C.F. The package said it would basically make condoms useless and I was wondering if it would interact with the V.C.F.? Could I get pregnant? Also, on the V.C.F. package it says something about waiting 15 minutes til you have sex but, we didn't wait 15 minutes. We went right to it and he didn't... orgasm until much later. I was just wondering if I could get pregnant from any of this.

V.C.F. and Monistat-1 interactions? Could I be pregnant???
I would recommend checking with your dr on this to see what they say about the possible interaction of the two products.

Is C# a good platform for building games?

I'm interested in using C# to build my first video game. What interests me with C# is that it is fully object oriented and contains a wide array of codes in the .NET library. I'm thinking of designing a role playing game in C#, much like the Resident Evil series.

However, though it seems C# is up to the task of building games, I haven't heard much about developers using it which brings me to the question: Is C# a good platform for building games?

Is C# a good platform for building games?
I would say no. If you write a game using .NET functions, that requires the user to have .NET installed on their machine in order to run it.
Reply:yea that what my dad uses
Reply:i don't know about c#, but c++ works great. then you can use directx or open gl, which are free graphics libraries. otherwise, making a game in c# is nearly impossible. i don't know how much experience you have, but c in general is very difficult. if you're a beginner, start with flash or vb.
Reply:only ameture games but still its better for just shows and animation
Reply:I personaly use Java, it's easy to use and it's cross platform. One of the major problems is deploying it to users but there are programs and methods that make it less difficult. I like to use it because it's easy, clean code, object-oriented, cross-platform, and applets are nice. Java has become quite advanced recently in the gaming area, there are libraries for OpenGL and joystick/controler input. It's my method, just be weary of the deployment.

Compilation error in DEV C++?

i compiled the following program

# include %26lt;conio.h%26gt;

# include %26lt;iostream.h%26gt;

int main ()


int a,b,c;

cout%26lt;%26lt; "enter the two numbers to be swapped";


a = c;

a = b;

b = c;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"the two respective numbers are now";





i get the following errors

31 D:\DEV-CPP\include\c++\backward\iostream...

In file included from D:/DEV-CPP/include/c++/backward/iostream...

2 D:\Nakul\programs\swap.cpp

from D:/Nakul/programs/swap.cpp

2 D:\DEV-CPP\include\c++\backward\backward...

#warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the %26lt;X%26gt; header for the %26lt;X.h%26gt; header for C++ includes, or %26lt;sstream%26gt; instead of the deprecated header %26lt;strstream.h%26gt;. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.

Compilation error in DEV C++?

conio.h is an old MSDOS header file specific to microsoft.

You do not require that.

you should do #include %26lt;iostream%26gt; not #include %26lt;iostream.h%26gt;

iostream.h is for old C++ compilers which were made when the language standard wasnt complete.


D&C possible problems actuall overall health can someone tell me what they think ?

ok i had a miscariage and had a d%26amp;c on oct 12 2006. but i had carried the baby for 3 monthes unknowingly pregnant.they got me a d%26amp;c the next day soon as they found out because i had carried it for so long. ive never had so many problems since a pregnancy . i had a son on oct 15 of 2005 andevery was perfect afterwards till this. and ever since i had this d%26amp;c i have had bladder infection that has lasted since a month after the d%26amp;C. went back and had the preg dr check me out , he did an ultra sound and found nothing.ive been treated for this infection but took 4 different antibiotics to control it until i see my urologist on the 20th. they said its unlike my d%26amp;c could be linked but i am not sure. im always feeling sick to my stomach, have to pee all the time. before i got the iud birth control put in back in march i was having periods twice a month. and i still have milk in my breast. (is this unnormal) but im being dicked around with all these drs and i juz dunno.

D%26amp;C possible problems actuall overall health can someone tell me what they think ?
Have you been tested for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? That could be a reason why you did not concieve naturally and could cause miscarriages. I do not know if a D%26amp;C will cause other health problems. Because a D%26amp;C "cleans" you out. It just takes your uterual lining out. It hurts like hell. I've had one and I have PCOS. If you have any more questions feel free to email me. Good Luck!
Reply:Anytime you have any procedure such as a D%26amp;C you are taking a risk. Especially if the Dr isn't experianced and/or doesn't know what the heck they are doing. IUD's can be tricky as well. As far as milk in your breast. That can take a while to go away- up to 12-18 months. I b/f my DD for 7 months, she is almost 20 months and I still have traces of breast milk. I hope everything is ok. But do check around and get some good opionions for OB/GYN's in your area. And stick with one.
Reply:ive been through the same thing when i was 19 had to have the d%26amp;c .after words i was just like you had lot of problems .dr. kept telling me the same thing not from the d%26amp;c. i would get a bladder infection get rid of it 1 or 2 weeks later have another one.i still till this day think it was from the d%26amp;c too.took me over three years to get pregnant had problems when i did. kept getting bladder infections . had my period more than not.when i went to the urologist he stretched my uretyha track thank god i didnt get anymore bladder infections. had my son after five years of trying and drs telling me i woulndt have any more cuz i kept getting different infections finally years of fighting my problems i had a hysterectimy at age 41 too many problems but they never started till after my d%26amp;c. so i know how you feel.