Thursday, July 30, 2009

Consider the circle C, and the line, L, described by the equations, x 2 + 6x +y 2 - 4y - 3 = 0, & y + x - 3?

(a) Find the centre and the radius of C. Find the points where L intersects C, if any.

(b) If the intersection points of L and C where a vertices of the largest square inside C,

Find the other vertices of the square.

(c) Find the equation of the line passes through the centre of C and perpendicular to

the line L, Find the distance between the centre of C and the line L.

Consider the circle C, and the line, L, described by the equations, x 2 + 6x +y 2 - 4y - 3 = 0, %26amp; y + x - 3?


centre (-3,2)

radius 4

can't do the rest as the other line is not correctly written

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