Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C Sections to close together......?

My daughter was born on 11/20/07 ( c sect ), and I got pregnant around March again of this year ( by accident, I was using the b/c pills )....right now i'm 11 wks as of yesterday. The pregnancy has been normal so far, and the baby looks great...my ? is.....have any of you had c sections so close together, and how did you do? Yes I know there are risks, but I only want to hear from women who have actually had this done plz.

This baby is due 11/28

C Sections to close together......?
i had my first c-sec on april 2004

i had my second c-sec nov 2006

and in due my 3rd c-sec july 2008

i had no probs with the first 2

im 30 weeks preg now i got told off by my doctor as he said i was ment to wait a year before i fell pregnant again,but so far every thing is fine with my scar
Reply:I had my daughter by c-section May 05.

I am due in January and it will probably be another c-section. My doctor said you can have a vaginal birth after a c-section..

but if you have a c-section..AFTER your first c-section..you will not be able to deliver vaginally.

So I'm sure they anticipate pregnancies being close together if they made that little rule.

I'm sure you'll be fine.
Reply:well being a male , I cannt speak from personel experience !

However this is ok the body heals very rapidily and I knew a woman who had several C sections for all her children and they were born a year apart.

Dont panic all will be well / talk to your specialist Doctor.
Reply:Well, I had csection with 2 of my pgcys... however, they werent as close as yours. I do know that the second one was a bit harder and my cut was longer... the dr said she had to make it longer because of the scar tissue left from the first one.

My guess, is that yours wont be as bad since there wasnt alot of time for the scar tissue to build up? I dunno.. but you do know you dont have to have another csection.. they do VBAC's... Either way, Im sure your DR can advise you better than anyone about your situtation.

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