Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C and C++ Animation and Graphics question..?

Hi.. I just want to get suggestions from everyone about simple animation and graphics in C and C++.. I will be making a program for grading system wherein exam grades will be entered and the semestral grade and its equivalent should appear at the bottom.. I'm just an amateur in C and C++ and i want my program output to appear professional but "hip" or stylish.. So yeah please suggest animations and graphics that will fit to my program. And please include links on where i can find those codes.. thanks in advance!!

C and C++ Animation and Graphics question..?
Check this


You will find different animations ...choose what fits your program
Reply:well, this is actually a difficult question.

you can get ASCII output (or even ANSI text output with background colors and foreground colors). Some people even manage to animate them, but it's just a fake animation.

if you want to have graphical dialogs, like a popup window or a main window which can be resized and/or minimized, you need to create a Win32 application, which is TOTALLY different from what you learn at school. Actually, the learning curve from "MS DOS console program" to "Win32 application" is HUGE. You will find tutorials in the internet, and i.e. on codeguru.com. Also, the book of Charles Petzold is very good.

If with "animation" you mean 2D game-like animations, i.e. like tetris, then you should have a look at libsdl. SDL hides all the dirty code and gives you a simplified, but good API to load graphics, bitmaps, sounds etc.

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