Tuesday, July 28, 2009

3rd c-section, need advice?

I'm the mother of 2 boys and they were both c-sections the 1st time they induced my labor but my son was so big that he dropped fast and got stuck behind my cervix so they had to do an emergency c-section. (he was born 9 pounds 6.25 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long) The 2nd time despite the doctors efforts my 2nd son had refused to come out and they had no choice but to do a c-section. (he was 8 pounds 0 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long) the doctors are wanting to do a 3rd csection with this baby on 5/4/07 ( my 2nd born son's 2nd birthday)... I'm scared to have another c-section I remember all of the pain I went thru and the difficulty recovering. I want to have this baby natural but they claim it's too dangerous, has anyone else been thru this and had a normal vaginal delivery after multiple c-sections and what should I do about being scared of having another c-section. Should I try and talk my doctors into vaginally delievering anyway or waiting until its 2 late 4 them 2 do a section?

3rd c-section, need advice?
You can DEFINATELY have a VBAC. The least amount of medical intervention possible is always the best course of action. Learn all the risks of VBAC to see if it is right for you- it IS dangerous but SO IS normal labor.. SO IS a c-section.

You can tell your doctor you are going to try normal labor and see how it goes. If your doctor does not work on VBAC patients- find another.

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